Create FTP Site on IIS – Windows Server 2022

This Windows Server 2022 Tutorial covers how to Create FTP Site on IIS. FTP Server enables the transfer of files between a client and server by using the File Transfer Protocol. File Transfer Protocol is a standard communication protocol used for transferring files.

Prerequisite Required

  • Install and Configure FTP Server
  • Create FTP Users and User Groups

Related tutorial

Demo environment

  • Computer Name:
  • Operating System: Windows Server 2022 Datacenter
  • IP Address:

1. Create a group and add users to the group you allow to use the FTP site.

In this example group name is FTPGroup and the Users are ftpuser1 and ftpuser2.

Create FTP Site on IIS

2. Create a physical folder for the FTP site’s root path and add access authority for the Group (FTPGroup).

Create FTP Site on IIS

3. Open the Server Manager dashboard, click Tools, and select Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager.

Create FTP Site on IIS

4. Right click on the sites and click Add FTP Site.

Create FTP Site on IIS

5. Enter the FTP Site name and Click the icon to browse the physical path.

FTPSite name: FTPSite

Create FTP Site on IIS

6. Select the physical path for the new FTP site and click OK.

Create FTP Site on IIS

7. Verify the site information and click Next.

Create FTP Site on IIS

8. Configure Binding and SSL Settings and click Next.

Create FTP Site on IIS

9. Configure Authentication and Authorization information and click Finish.

  • Authentication: basic
  • Authorization: specific group (FTPGroup)
Create FTP Site on IIS
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